Growing BC's technology industry one success at a time.

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Expertise & Experience

Benefit from research, engineering, marketing, and management experience gained through serving the BC high-technology community since 1986.  We offer a unique blend of market insight, technological expertise, and experience strengthened by a network of knowledgeable colleagues.

Marketing, Strategy and  Business Development

bulletProduct development (from concept through commercialization to success).
bulletDetailed market analysis, technology adoption forecasting, competitive analysis.
bulletProduct management.
bulletBusiness planning, scenario analysis, development of 5 year plans.

Technology: Areas of Specialization and Experience

bulletClean power technologies and demand-side energy management.
bulletImaging systems and analysis (synthetic aperture radar, multi-channel infrared laser exposure systems, sensing systems, digital elevation model generation, image analysis, colour reproduction and display systems)
bulletPhotonics (visible and infrared systems, vortex-stabilized arc lamps, applications of fibre-optics, sensors, and imaging systems)
bulletConsumer electronics.
bulletMathematical modeling of physical systems.
bulletMulti-disciplinary product development.
bulletTools for data analysis (technical, market, or business).
bulletR&D management.
Technology          ·          Marketing          ·          Strategy          ·          Results
Send mail to with questions or comments about this web site.  Last modified: 10/08/2010